Fitness Mad Safety Resistance Trainer
This is the second lightest Fitness-Mad Safety Resistance Trainer and is ideal for those familiar with resistance training. Supplied with a 12 page A5 resistance training and usage guide covering 19 key resistance exercises for a total body workout. Also includes a door attachment that enables you to turn the Resistance Trainer in to a workout anywhere gym. Our Studio Pro Safety Resistance Trainer offer a safe alternative to latex resistance tubes without compromising performance. The protection sleeve virtually removes the risks associated with latex tube failure and also extends the life of the latex tube.
Resistances available - Medium | Strong | Extra Strong.
Length - Industry standard length tube of 120cm. Total length including handles 155cm.
Stretch - 4 times original length.3x Stretch = 5.5Kg.
TPR handles for comfortable grip.
Warning - Contains Latex tube inside the nylon protection sleeve.